After lying scared in my bed for a while I figured I ought to go investigate this strange noise. That's what they always do in horror movies, and it works for them.
I go to the kitchen and find the source of the noise

I knew that I had to put the poor mouse out of it's misery. There was just no way a little mouse would survive a severed limb.
Now this may come as a surprise, but I've never killed an animal before. I didn't know how I was going to go about doing this. I thought about using a knife, but I'm a vegetarian and a wuss and there was no way I was going to be able to do that. After considerable thought,

I came up with the following plan:
Mice have little hearts, right? If I just scare him enough, he'll have a heart attack and die and it will be over with.
Yes, this is a great plan. This is a plan that would receive approval. Surely when this awful ordeal was over with I would be applauded for my courage to do the right thing in the most humane way possible.

Well that's the conclusion I came to with my frazzled and disturbed 4:27 AM brain.
So then I started throwing around anything and everything heavy I could find in an attempt to scare the mouse to death.
Now my floor was covered in heavy things, a bottle of Tide had broken and spilled all over the floor. The mouse was screaming and terrified, yet still very much alive.
The rest of the night is hazy. But at some point someone came and took care of everything and I went back to bed and had terrible nightmares of the events that had passed.
My plan had failed miserably and I felt shame. I felt so much shame.

The End.
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